Thursday, May 20, 2010


My 17 month old daughter is finally starting to walk! I know kids develop at different rates and all, but I really thought she would have been walking sooner. It's tough too, especially when all the other neighborhood kids have been walking since they were like 12 months old.

She's walking more and more everyday, which is great. People are always telling me "you'll regret it when she starts!". But, I like it. I'm glad I can play outside with her and will soon be able to run around with her.

So, if you're stressing over milestones...don't. They will eventually do what they need to do. They just do it in their own time.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Sequel

So, here I am, prego again with #2. My first was born on Dec. 9th, and this one is due on Dec. 3rd.

I had to have a c-section with my first one...that's a horror story in itself. Being induced, going all the way through labor, pushing for 2 hours, then ending up having to have a c-section really sucked. So, turns out that this time I don't have much of a choice and I have to have another c-section. I'm ok with it now...I don't have to worry about going through what I did last time. It probably won't hurt nearly as much either, so that should be good. The main reason I'm not happy about it is that after they get the baby out and sew you up, you have to go to recovery for an hour before they bring you back to your room to actually see your baby. It kinda sucks that I won't get the chance to hold him/her right after.

Another good thing is that they schedule them a week before the due date. So, that'll make my kids birthdays about 2 weeks apart, which will be nice.

The first trimester has been going the same as it did with my first. I felt sick for a little, but turns out it was just my prenatal vitamin. So, I started taking that right before bed and I've felt fine since. The only thing that's really hard to deal with is being so tired. It's even more difficult because I have a 17 month old to take care of and I have zero energy. I'll be in my second trimester in a couple weeks, so I'm hoping that will help. I guess I'll just have to wait and see!

Basically my whole family thinks it's going to be a boy. Either way, I don't really care. I have my I don't really have a preference this time. Although, I do have a little feeling it might be another girl. When I was sick, I was thinking boy. But since I took care of that, I'm thinking it's a girl. I could be wrong...we'll find out at some point in July!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Tummy Time

Lilith HATES being on her tummy....I mean, seriously hates it. How is she going to crawl, if she refuses to be on her tummy?

I've been putting her in her Bumbo a lot, to try to get her muscles working so she will be able to learn to sit. The problem is, when I'm sitting her on my lap to help her practice and to play with her, she always straightens her legs so she's standing. It's almost impossible to keep her sitting for longer than a minute. So, I'm really glad I got the Bumbo for least she doesn't really have an option when she's in that!

She's going to be 6 months old next week, so I bought her a few new toys. I got her this ball that makes music and has flashing lights which are set off by motion, and I got her a baby laptop. She's LOVES them both! I think it's all of the different lights and sounds they make, but they keep her busy for a while.

I think she's finally learning how to nap. She's been taking 1-2 naps a day, which I'm very happy about. Not just so I get a break, but because I know she needs them. So, it's all working out.

Kymm, Lilith's godmother, came over on Sunday and we had a photoshoot. I have all of the pictures on my other computer, but I haven't had a chance to really sit down and go through them all. I plan on doing that in the next couple days, and I'll try to post some pictures asap. She's just so damn cute!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Baby Naps?!

Lilith is the worst at taking naps!!!!!!!!

Now, don't get me wrong, she is such a good baby. She eats her food, she plays with her toys, and is for the most part content all the time. She also is a good night sleeper (she's always been pretty good at that), which is awesome. But, it's so hard to get her to take a nap!!!!!

Up until 2 weeks ago, she would not nap during the day. She would get up at 7 am, and she'd be up and alert until 9:30 at night. It was pretty rough....

I've recently been feeding her right when she wakes up in the morning, usually around 7 or 8. Then, I put her back to bed. She lays there for a bit, and then drifts back off to sleep. Then, she'll get up around 10 or 10:30. This works out great because I can either go back to sleep (which is the route I often take) or I can get up and get some work done (I work from home, very convenient). Then when she gets up, she'll sit in her high chair and we'll have some breakfast.

After that though, it's very difficult to get her to chill out and take a little nap in the afternoon. I know all babies are different...yada yada yada...but I feel like she should at least take an hour nap around 2ish. There have been a few times where I've laid her down and she'll take a nice 2 hour nap, but most of the time, she freaks out. I let her try to calm down herself which works sometimes, but other times I have to keep going up and calming her down, only to end up getting her back up. With the rate that babies grow and develop, it just seems like they need to take that little extra nap time so that they can catch up with themselves. Maybe that's dumb logic, but that's what I think. And the fact that she is so much more pleasant after the nap speaks volumes to me.

So, my question is, does anyone else have an issues putting their baby down for a nap? Or possibly any suggestions? I've tried the whole routine thing, and I don't know that it's really doing a whole lot. Any comments would be greatly appreciated! :)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


So, during my pregnancy, I was just so tired and forgetful, and my blog suffered. So, I'm no longer Prego Mego, I'm Mego with a child :)

Lilith was born on December 9, 2009. I had to be induced on the 8th (which coincidentally is my birthday). I was put on pitocin, which wasn't fun at all. I was fully dilated by the end of the day, started pushing, and she just wouldn't move down. So, I was prepped for a c-section. It was a very long and tiring day...and also very painful, but it was worth it. :)

So, Lilith is going to be 5 months old on Saturday. It's amazing how much they can change in only 5 months! She's already started solids, her favorites are apples and pears, and she's so strong. I've been breastfeeding, which has also been great. It's nice to know that you are supplying your child with good food. If anyone is thinking about breastfeeding, I say give it a shot. It was really difficult for me in the beginning, just with pain and soreness, but I'm glad I stuck with it. I have lots of suggestions if you need them as well.

So, this blog is going to be about Lilith, and being a mom now. I'll definitely keep it up this time...

Friday, June 27, 2008

Sluggish Much?

Everyone has told me that in the second trimester, you are supposed to be full of energy. Well, then I must be a serious exception to that rule. I'm still tired, and I'm about to be 18 weeks along! I mean, I'm not nearly as tired as I was before, but still, I feel as though I need a nap during the day. I've started to sleep better during the night this week, but still have a very difficult time getting out of bed in the morning. What's up with that?

I know everyone is different and all, but why does it have to be me? I was looking forward to getting some energy back, but I guess I'll just have to deal. I haven't gotten super hungry yet, so I'm not sure when that's supposed to kick in either. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to figure myself out, day by day.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Almost Half Way!

I'm a little over 17 weeks, and I'm super excited! In just a couple short weeks (July 11th), I will be finding out the gender of my baby!

I had my monthly appointment yesterday, and it went really well. The doctor scared the crap out of me though. She asked me if I had been feeling the baby move at all. I told her, that I haven't felt anything at all, which made me a little nervous. She said that sometimes for first time pregnancies, you don't start to feel the baby move until around 20 weeks, so I shouldn't worry. Then, when she went to find the heartbeat, she couldn't find it right away. I can't even begin to tell you how scared I was....but she finally found it. It was all the way over on the right, as opposed to the middle where it has always been before. I have never been more relieved in my life!

I've gained a total of 4 lbs, which she said was good, and I'm only just starting to show a little. Not much, I only have a very small bump, but I'm actually excited for it to get bigger!